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Campus Connection is well known for adopting Innovation in training delivery and always updated with relevant content for delivery by excellent instructors. CC is known to be most flexible in customization of training content and ready to deliver training at any time zone.

The union membership became less and less engineering-based but we maintained our determination to ensure that the training that we provide is practical and interesting engineering skills taught by experts in their fields, leading to the legally competent performance of these skills in the workplace.

Students training and development plays a vital role in the organization’s success to deliver quality service hence we provide Customised courses which matches the specific training needs Comprehensive course notes are provided for all students on the courses.

We provide comprehensive range of highly-focused technical courses for your students from abrasive wheels to programmable logic controllers The emphasis on useful practical skills

Training’s Activities

• Arranging MOCK sessions for enhancing the communication skills, group discussion techniques, and written test which are the screening methods used by the organizations these days.

• Developing a strong bond between industry and students by keeping up to the expectations of both Updating various departments about the requirements of the industry so as to enable them to get the students ready for the external world

All final year students are exposed / trained in the following areas:

• Career Awareness sessions.

• Model Aptitude tests, Mock Group discussions & Interviews to excel in the Recruitment process.



2.Real-timeanalytics/Real-time aptitude

3.Test-numerical/answer discussion

4.Test-logical-verbal/nonverbal/answers discussion

5.Test-reasoning/verbal/nonverbal/answers discussion

6.Videopresentation/role play

7.Group modeling

8.Industries/interview aptitude and analytical question

Soft Skills

1.Understanding group dynamics

2.Importance of dissent

3.Conflict Resolution

4.Tolerance for dissent, perseverance, team spirit, facilitation skill, communication skill, diplomacy

1.Understand the role of Personal interview

2.Understand different systems of interview

3.Undergo a series of mock interview.

4.Feedback and constructive inputs

1.Body Language basics

2.An orientation about interviews

3.Practical explanation of interview process

4.Resume Building tips